In silence grow
It’s blowing no3
It’s blowing no2
Et alors!
Just us
Helping hand
Il y a du vent
Towards the Unknown
Even at night
Unstable balance
Pick me
Men, trees
Men, trees
Lost and found no.2
Free thoughts
Blue Forest
Particle 56 no.2
Lost and found no.1
Along with you
Particles 56 no.1
Vraiment léger
In silence grow

«Entre ciel et terre»

, 2017 – 2018

La nature possède une force de renouvellement inépuisable.

Face aux interventions souvent destructrices de l’homme elle résiste, elle invente, elle est créatrice. Ici, les petites branches, les herbes folles, les graines, prennent de la force, deviennent gigantesques sous un ciel mouvant parcouru par le souffle du vent.

“Between heaven and earth”

Nature has an inexhaustible capacity for renewal.

Despite human often destructive interventions, nature resists, invents and creates. Here, small branches, wild grasses and seeds grow with great strength and become gigantic under a moving sky with the wind blowing through it.